Our purpose, or the reason why HOB exists, is to . . .
Reach the lost
Make disciples
Build the Church
Extend the kingdom
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Prov 19:21

Where there is no vision the people perish. Prov 29:18
Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. Hab 2:2
The Bible is the inspired word of God.
Sam. 22:31; Ps 119:9, 11; Heb 4:12; Js 1:22
The purpose of the Church is to Glorify God. Everything we do is to bring Glory and Honour to God
Rev 4:11
The priority of the Church is to complete the Great Commission, which is to preach the Good News of the Gospel
Matt 28:19-20
The Mission of the Church is to complete the Great Commandment, which is to love thy neighbour
Matt 22:39
Te Tairawhiti can be transformed through God encounters that result in restored individuals and families and a reduction in criminal activity, suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse.
Our Core Values – integrity, dignity, honesty, aroha, forgiveness, mercy, humility, respect, commitment, loyalty and honour one to another – give meaning to all that we do.
The culture of HOB – family/whanau, worship, prayer, generous, excellence.
Reconciling Community
Jesus is reconciling humans to God, to each other, and to the entire creation, breaking down divisions between Jew & Gentile, Maori & Pakeha, slave & free, male and female. Therefore, we are Agents of Change bringing healing and reconciliation to our communities.
Compassionate Ministry
We lean toward the lost, whether poor or wealthy, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus as sinners whose only standing before God is utterly dependent on the mercy of God. This mercy can only be truly received inasmuch as we are willing to give it away.